

TikHub V5.0.5 Update Log

TikHub V5.0.5 更新日志 本次更新添加了鉴权的方案,目前支持以下两种携带API Token的方法: 方法一:在请求头中使用API令牌(推荐) 请求头: Authorization 格式: Bearer {token} 示例: {"Authorization": "Bearer your_token"} Swagger UI: 点击页面右上角的Authorize按钮,直接输入API令牌,不需要Bearer关键字。 方法二:在Cookie中使用API令牌(不推荐,仅在无法使用方法一时使用) Cookie: Authorization 格式: Bearer {token} 示例: Authorization=Bearer your_token 获取API令牌: 在TikHub网站注册并登录账户。 进入用户中心,点击API令牌菜单,创建API令牌。 复制并在请求头中使用API令牌。 保密您的API令牌,仅在请求头中使用。 TikHub 用户 TikHub V5.0.5 Update Log This…

TikHub V5.0.4 Update Log

TikHub V5.0.4 更新日志 我们新增了临时邮箱接口,您现在可以使用接口接收邮件用于网站批量注册等操作。 以下是更新详情: 长期有效:生成的邮箱地址不会被删除,且不会被他人使用。 接收邮件:该邮箱仅支持接收邮件,无法发送邮件。 安全提示:请妥善保存请求响应中的邮箱地址、用户名、密码以及 Bearer Token。我们无法帮助您找回这些关键信息。 提示 不要忘记在调用API前在我们的用户后台更新你的API Token的Scopes值,否则你的Token将会因为权限不足被拒绝请求。 TikHub V5.0.4 Update Log We have introduced a temporary email interface, allowing you to receive emails for bulk website registrations and other operations. Here are the details…

TikHub V5.0.3 Update Log

TikHub V5.0.3 更新日志 本次更新了几个常见的验证码解决器接口,这些接口在接收到用户的请求后,会在后台进行计算,通常计算的时长在10秒-60秒之间,所以如果你在请求这些接口时,请将HTTP请求时的超时选项设置为120秒以保证你能收到服务器返回的响应。这些接口接收HTTP的POST方法进行请求,大多数接口都需要你从HTML网页中找到需要解决验证码网站的sitekey,以及该网站的URL。 同时本次更新修复了一些Douyin和TikTok的数据接口随机出现HTTP400代码的情况,我们不确定这是什么导致的,但是大多数时候再等待一秒之后重新请求则会正常返回,所以我们在后端代码中实现了重试机制,后端在请求出错时会等待3秒钟随后重试3次,这会增加用户的等待时间,但是可以确保大多数Endpoint都会以200代码返回数据,请在请求时提高你的代码超时阈值。 TikHub V5.0.3 Update Log Several common captcha solver interfaces have been updated this time. After receiving the user’s request, these interfaces will perform calculations in the background. The calculation time is usually between 10 seconds…

TikHub V5.0.2 Hot Fix

TikHub V5.0.2 热修复 本次更新修复了V5.0.1版本时更新的以下接口,部分用户输入的分享链接会造成HTTP400错误,原因是因为遗漏了部分URL的正则表达式,目前已经处理并且推送至生产环境。 TikHub V5.0.2 Hot Fix This update fixes the following interfaces updated in V5.0.1. The sharing links entered by some users will cause HTTP400 errors because the regular expressions of some URLs are omitted. This has been…

TikHub V5.0.2 Update Log

TikHub V5.0.2 更新日志 本次更新了TikTok APP V3的接口,用户可以通过/api/v1/tiktok/app/v3/fetch_user_repost_videos接口获取用户转发的视频列表,同时每一个Endpoint的rate_limit也从原先的5/second重新设置成10/second,也就是每秒可以接受10个请求。 TikHub V5.0.2 Update Log The interface of TikTok APP V3 has been updated this time. Users can obtain the list of videos forwarded by users through the /api/v1/tiktok/app/v3/fetch_user_repost_videos interface. At the same time, the…

TikHub V5.0.1 Update Log

TikHub V5.0.1 更新日志 本次更新了几个抖音和TikTok APP的接口,用户可以通过使用分享链接或短链接来请求视频数据,并且抖音Web端的单一视频接口如果在72小时内没有恢复的话,那该接口大概率即将弃用,请及时更换至APP版本的单一视频接口。 TikHub V5.0.1 Update Log This time, several Douyin and TikTok APP endpoints have been updated. Users can request video data by using sharing links or short links. If the single video endpoint of the Douyin…

TikHub V4 -> V5 Account Migration Notice

Good afternoon, everyone. We have recently completed the public beta testing of the new V5 version, during which we fixed many bugs and optimized performance. Thank you all for participating in our beta test. Here, I would like to inform…

TikHub Pricing Adjustment

Dear users, After comparing prices with other third-party API providers and conducting market research, we have decided to adjust the base price from $0.002 to $0.001. Additionally, users can take advantage of our tiered pricing structure with automatic discounts based…

TikHub API V5.0.0 beta-7 Release Notes

We are pleased to announce that TikHub API will officially launch in the production environment on June 1, 2024. This update includes significant user-level improvements, mainly focusing on the optimization of user API Tokens and request rate limiting, as well…

TikHub API V5.0.0 beta-6 Release Notes

We are excited to announce that the TikHub API has been upgraded to be compatible with TikTok APP V3. This upgrade extends our support for the latest TikTok APP data interfaces, particularly with the addition of a new shopping data…