TikHub V5.0.4 Update Log

TikHub V5.0.4 更新日志



  • 长期有效:生成的邮箱地址不会被删除,且不会被他人使用。
  • 接收邮件:该邮箱仅支持接收邮件,无法发送邮件。
  • 安全提示:请妥善保存请求响应中的邮箱地址、用户名、密码以及 Bearer Token。我们无法帮助您找回这些关键信息。
    不要忘记在调用API前在我们的用户后台更新你的API Token的Scopes值,否则你的Token将会因为权限不足被拒绝请求。

TikHub V5.0.4 Update Log

We have introduced a temporary email interface, allowing you to receive emails for bulk website registrations and other operations.

Here are the details of the update:

  • Long-term Validity: The generated email address will not be deleted and will not be used by others.
  • Receive Only: This email can only receive emails and cannot send emails.
  • Security Reminder: Please carefully save the email address, username, password, and Bearer Token from the response. We cannot help you recover this critical information.
    Don't forget to update the Scopes value of your API Token in our user backend before calling the API. Otherwise, your token will be rejected due to insufficient permissions.
    Add URIs
  • URI: /api/v1/temp_mail/v1/get_temp_email_address
  • Cost: $0.001
  • URI: /api/v1/temp_mail/v1/get_emails_inbox
  • Cost: $0.001
  • URI: /api/v1/temp_mail/v1/get_email_by_id
  • Cost: $0.001
    API Link
    TikHub User