TikHub Pricing Adjustment

Dear users,

After comparing prices with other third-party API providers and conducting market research, we have decided to adjust the base price from $0.002 to $0.001. Additionally, users can take advantage of our tiered pricing structure with automatic discounts based on daily request volume (rpd).


The base price is 0.001 USD and the number of daily requests is 12000, the calculation process is as follows:

  1. Tier 1 (0 ≤ rpd < 1000):
    • Number of requests in tier 1 = 1000 - 0 = 1000
    • Discounted unit price in tier 1 = 0.001 × (1 - 0/100) = 0.001
    • Total cost 1 = 1000 × 0.001 = 1
  2. Tier 2 (1000 ≤ rpd < 5000):
    • Number of requests in tier 2 = 5000 - 1000 = 4000
    • Discounted unit price in tier 2 = 0.001 × (1 - 10/100) = 0.0009
    • Total cost 2 = 4000 × 0.0009 = 3.6
  3. Tier 3 (5000 ≤ rpd < 10000):
    • Number of requests in tier 3 = 10000 - 5000 = 5000
    • Discounted unit price in tier 3 = 0.001 × (1 - 20/100) = 0.0008
    • Total cost 3 = 5000 × 0.0008 = 4
  4. Tier 4 (10000 ≤ rpd < 20000):
    • Number of requests in tier 4 = 12000 - 10000 = 2000
    • Discounted unit price in tier 4 = 0.001 × (1 - 30/100) = 0.0007
    • Total cost 4 = 2000 × 0.0007 = 1.4
  5. Accumulated total cost:
    • Total cost = 1 + 3.6 + 4 + 1.4 = 10

Automatic cost calculation API:


TikHub 价格调整



基础价格为 0.001 USD,假设每日请求次数为 12000,则计算过程如下:

  1. 第 1 阶梯(0 ≤ rpd < 1000):
    • 阶梯内请求次数 = 1000 - 0 = 1000
    • 阶梯折后单价 = 0.001 × (1 - 0/100) = 0.001
    • 总成本 = 1000 × 0.001 = 1
  2. 第 2 阶梯(1000 ≤ rpd < 5000):
    • 阶梯内请求次数 = 5000 - 1000 = 4000
    • 阶梯折后单价 = 0.001 × (1 - 10/100) = 0.0009
    • 总成本 = 4000 × 0.0009 = 3.6
  3. 第 3 阶梯(5000 ≤ rpd < 10000):
    • 阶梯内请求次数 = 10000 - 5000 = 5000
    • 阶梯折后单价 = 0.001 × (1 - 20/100) = 0.0008
    • 总成本 = 5000 × 0.0008 = 4
  4. 第 4 阶梯(10000 ≤ rpd < 20000):
    • 阶梯内请求次数 = 12000 - 10000 = 2000
    • 阶梯折后单价 = 0.001 × (1 - 30/100) = 0.0007
    • 总成本 = 2000 × 0.0007 = 1.4
  5. 累加总成本
    • 总成本 = 1 + 3.6 + 4 + 1.4 = 10

