TikHub API V5.0.0 beta-6 Release Notes

We are excited to announce that the TikHub API has been upgraded to be compatible with TikTok APP V3. This upgrade extends our support for the latest TikTok APP data interfaces, particularly with the addition of a new shopping data interface. Now, you can easily access a variety of products and shop information through the TikHub API. Additionally, we have optimized our code, significantly enhancing the API's response speed.

To facilitate developers to experience the latest features, we are providing a free API test link. Please note that this beta version has limited request frequency and is intended only for testing environments. You can access the test API via the following link:


Thank you for your support of TikHub. We look forward to your feedback to help us continue to improve

TikHub API V5.0.0 beta-6 更新说明

我们高兴地宣布,TikHub API已经升级至与TikTok APP V3版本兼容。本次升级扩展了对最新TikTok APP数据接口的支持,特别是新增了商城数据接口。现在,您可以通过TikHub API轻松访问各种商品及店铺信息。同时,我们对代码进行了优化,显著提升了API的响应速度。


