TikHub API V5 Update Notice

Dear Users,

We are pleased to announce that the TikHub API V5 has entered its final stage of development and is scheduled to go live on June 1, 2024. To ensure a smooth transition, we will provide a one-month migration period so that you can update your systems to be compatible with the new version.

Key Dates

  • June 1, 2024: V5 goes live. The new API version will be available at https://api.tikhub.io .
  • July 1, 2024: V4 API services will be discontinued.

Migration Guide

  • Current V4 Version: During the migration period, you can still access the V4 version of the API via the alternative domain https://api-old.tikhub.io .
  • Beta Testing Version: We encourage you to start using the Beta version available at https://beta.tikhub.io to test and ensure your systems are compatible with the new version. All requests during the testing period are free of charge.

Action Required

To prevent any disruption to your services, we recommend that you begin preparing for the migration as soon as possible. Please follow the information provided above to ensure your systems are updated before the deadline.

We appreciate your continued support and look forward to serving you with the enhanced capabilities of V5. If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our technical support team.

Stay tuned for more updates!

TikHub API V5 更新说明


我们很高兴地通知您,TikHub的API V5已进入最后开发阶段,并计划于2024年6月1日正式上线。为了确保平滑过渡,我们将提供一个月的迁移期,以便您可以更新您的系统以兼容新版本。


  • 2024年6月1日: V5正式上线。新的API版本将在https://api.tikhub.io 上线。
  • 2024年7月1日: V4版本API停止服务。


  • 当前V4版本: 在迁移期间,您仍可以通过备用域名https://api-old.tikhub.io 访问V4版本的API。
  • Beta测试版本: 我们鼓励您开始使用位于https://beta.tikhub.io 的Beta版本进行测试,以确保您的系统与新版本兼容,并且测试期间的所有请求都是免费的。



