TikHub V5.1.9 Changelog

TikHub V5.1.9 更新日志

  • 本次更新增加了抖音和TikTok以及小红书的多个新接口
  • 小红书支持获取评论、回复评论、搜索用户。
  • 抖音和TikTok获取用户粉丝列表、获取用户关注列表、获取首页内容、获取直播间信息、和获取直播间ID。


  • 本次更新了两个使用Websocket的接口,他们分别是/api/v1/douyin/web/douyin_live_room_ws/api/v1/tiktok/web/tiktok_live_room_ws,这两个接口需要使用ws或wss协议进行连接,在连接之前你可以使用HTTP协议的接口对参数进行组合,也就是/api/v1/douyin/web/douyin_live_room/api/v1/tiktok/web/tiktok_live_room,这两个HTTP协议的接口将会显示在Swagger UI以及API Docs中,请仔细阅读他们的参数以及鉴权方式,请求这两个HTTP协议的端点是免费的,你可以从响应中获取已经完成组合的Websocket接口链接以进行后续的连接,使用代码连接Websocket接口时,请使用URL编码链接后再建立连接。

特殊接口价格(Websocket Price)

  • 当你与服务器后端建立Websocket连接时,你会被扣费0.001$,随后如果有数据进行交互,每10条数据将会进行一次扣费。


不要忘记在调用API前在我们的用户后台更新你的API Token的Scopes值,否则你的Token将会因为权限不足被拒绝请求。

TikHub V5.1.9 Changelog

  • This update includes several new interfaces for Douyin, TikTok, and Xiaohongshu.
  • Xiaohongshu now supports fetching comments, replying to comments, and searching users.
  • Douyin and TikTok now support fetching user fan lists, retrieving user following lists, fetching home feed content, getting live room information, and retrieving live room IDs.

Special Interfaces (Websocket)

  • This update includes two new Websocket interfaces:/api/v1/douyin/web/douyin_live_room_ws and/api/v1/tiktok/web/tiktok_live_room_ws. These interfaces require connection via ws or wss protocols. Before connecting, you can use HTTP protocol interfaces to assemble parameters, specifically/api/v1/douyin/web/douyin_live_room and/api/v1/tiktok/web/tiktok_live_room. These HTTP protocol interfaces will be available in Swagger UI and API Docs. Please read their parameters and authentication methods carefully. Requests to these HTTP protocol endpoints are free. You can obtain a pre-assembled Websocket URL from the response for subsequent connections. When connecting to Websocket interfaces with code, use URL-encoded links before establishing the connection.

Special Interface Pricing (Websocket Price)

  • When you establish a Websocket connection with the server backend, you will be charged $0.001. Subsequently, for every 10 data interactions, there will be an additional charge.


Don't forget to update the Scopes value of your API Token in our user backend before calling the API. Otherwise, your token will be rejected due to insufficient permissions.

Add URIs

  • URI:/api/v1/xiaohongshu/web/get_note_comments
    • Cost: $0.001
  • URI:/api/v1/xiaohongshu/web/get_note_comment_replies
    • Cost: $0.001
  • URI:/api/v1/xiaohongshu/web/search_users
    • Cost: $0.001
  • URI:/api/v1/douyin/web/fetch_home_feed
    • Cost: $0.001
  • URI:/api/v1/douyin/web/douyin_live_room
    • Cost: $0.000
  • URI:/api/v1/douyin/web/douyin_live_room_ws
    • Cost: $0.001
  • URI:/api/v1/douyin/web/fetch_user_fans_list
    • Cost: $0.001
  • URI:/api/v1/douyin/web/fetch_user_following_list
    • Cost: $0.001
  • URI:/api/v1/douyin/app/v3/fetch_user_fans_list
    • Cost: $0.001
  • URI:/api/v1/douyin/app/v3/fetch_user_following_list
    • Cost: $0.001
  • URI:/api/v1/tiktok/web/tiktok_live_room
    • Cost: $0.000
  • URI:/api/v1/tiktok/web/tiktok_live_room_ws
    • Cost: $0.001
  • URI:/api/v1/tiktok/web/get_live_room_id
    • Cost: $0.001




