TikHub V5.1.8 Changelog

TikHub V5.1.8 更新日志

  • 本次更新了Twitter Web端的接口,新增了三个接口,支持获取单个推文数据、用户资料和用户发帖。后续将根据需求添加更多接口。


不要忘记在调用API前在我们的用户后台更新你的API Token的Scopes值,否则你的Token将会因为权限不足被拒绝请求。

TikHub V5.1.8 Changelog

  • This update includes new interfaces for the Twitter web version, adding three endpoints to support fetching single tweet data, user profiles, and user posts. More interfaces will be added as needed in the future.


Don't forget to update the Scopes value of your API Token in our user backend before calling the API. Otherwise, your token will be rejected due to insufficient permissions.

Add URIs

  • URI:/api/v1/twitter/web/fetch_tweet_detail
    • Cost: $0.001
  • URI:/api/v1/twitter/web/fetch_user_profile
    • Cost: $0.001
  • URI:/api/v1/twitter/web/fetch_user_post_tweet
    • Cost: $0.001

