TikHub V5.1.7 Changelog

TikHub V5.1.7 更新日志

  • 本次更新加入了Instagram Web端的几个新接口,包括帖子评论、评论回复及点赞数据的获取。同时还新增了抖音TikTok混合解析、快捷指令的在线获取/更新、批量获取抖音及TikTok作品的接口。后续将根据用户需求添加更多接口。


不要忘记在调用API前在我们的用户后台更新你的API Token的Scopes值,否则你的Token将会因为权限不足被拒绝请求。

TikHub V5.1.7 Changelog

  • This update includes several new interfaces for the Instagram web version, including fetching post comments, comment replies, and like data. Additionally, new interfaces for hybrid parsing of Douyin and TikTok, online fetching/updating of shortcuts without authentication, and batch fetching of Douyin and TikTok videos are included. More interfaces will be added based on user demand in the future.


Don't forget to update the Scopes value of your API Token in our user backend before calling the API. Otherwise, your token will be rejected due to insufficient permissions.

Add URIs

  • URI:/api/v1/instagram/web_app/fetch_post_comments_by_url
    • Cost: $0.001
    • Description: 获取帖子评论 / Fetch post comments
  • URI:/api/v1/instagram/web_app/fetch_comment_replies_by_url
    • Cost: $0.001
    • Description: 获取评论回复 / Fetch comment replies
  • URI:/api/v1/instagram/web_app/fetch_post_likes_by_url
    • Cost: $0.001
    • Description: 获取点赞数据 / Fetch post likes
  • URI:/api/v1/hybrid/video_data
    • Cost: $0.001
    • Description: 抖音TikTok的混合解析 / Hybrid parsing of Douyin and TikTok
  • URI:/api/v1/ios_shortcut/shortcut
    • Cost: $0
    • Description: 快捷指令的在线获取/更新端点(无需鉴权) / Online fetching/updating of shortcuts (no authentication required)
  • URI:/api/v1/douyin/app/v3/fetch_multi_video
    • Cost: $0.01
    • Description: 批量获取抖音作品(一次最多10个) / Batch fetching of Douyin videos (up to 10 at a time)
  • URI:/api/v1/tiktok/app/v3/fetch_multi_video
    • Cost: $0.01
    • Description: 批量获取TikTok作品(一次最多10个) / Batch fetching of TikTok videos (up to 10 at a time)





