TikHub V5.0.5 Update Log

TikHub V5.0.5 更新日志

本次更新添加了鉴权的方案,目前支持以下两种携带API Token的方法:


  • 请求头: Authorization
  • 格式: Bearer {token}
  • 示例: {"Authorization": "Bearer your_token"}
  • Swagger UI: 点击页面右上角的Authorize按钮,直接输入API令牌,不需要Bearer关键字。


  • Cookie: Authorization
  • 格式: Bearer {token}
  • 示例: Authorization=Bearer your_token


  1. 在TikHub网站注册并登录账户。
  2. 进入用户中心,点击API令牌菜单,创建API令牌。
  3. 复制并在请求头中使用API令牌。
  4. 保密您的API令牌,仅在请求头中使用。

TikHub 用户


TikHub V5.0.5 Update Log

This update adds an authentication scheme and currently supports the following two methods of carrying the API Token:

Method 1: Using the API token in the request header (recommended)

  • Header:Authorization
  • Format:Bearer {token}
  • Example:{"Authorization": "Bearer your_token"}
  • Swagger UI: Click theAuthorize button at the top right corner of the page and directly enter the API token without theBearer keyword.

Method 2: Using the API token in a Cookie (not recommended, use only if Method 1 is not possible)

  • Cookie:Authorization
  • Format:Bearer {token}
  • Example:Authorization=Bearer your_token

Obtaining an API token:

  1. Register and log in to your account on the TikHub website.
  2. Go to the user center, click on the API token menu, and create an API token.
  3. Copy and use the API token in the request header.
  4. Keep your API token confidential and only use it in the request header.

TikHub User
