TikHub V5.0.2 Update Log

TikHub V5.0.2 更新日志

本次更新了TikTok APP V3的接口,用户可以通过/api/v1/tiktok/app/v3/fetch_user_repost_videos接口获取用户转发的视频列表,同时每一个Endpoint的rate_limit也从原先的5/second重新设置成10/second,也就是每秒可以接受10个请求。

TikHub V5.0.2 Update Log

The interface of TikTok APP V3 has been updated this time. Users can obtain the list of videos forwarded by users through the /api/v1/tiktok/app/v3/fetch_user_repost_videos interface. At the same time, the rate_limit of each endpoint has been reset from the original 5/second to 10/second, which means that 10 requests can be accepted per second.

Add URIs

  • /api/v1/tiktok/app/v3/fetch_user_repost_videos