TikHub V4 -> V5 Account Migration Notice

Good afternoon, everyone. We have recently completed the public beta testing of the new V5 version, during which we fixed many bugs and optimized performance. Thank you all for participating in our beta test. Here, I would like to inform you that due to design flaws in the V4 version database and the incompatibility of the V5 database ORM model with V4, we cannot import user information from the V4 database into V5. Additionally, due to malicious registrations in the V4 API, the database contains a large number of fake accounts used for bulk sign-ins to obtain free API requests. For these reasons, we will not migrate the V4 database.

Migration Process

Key Dates

If you do not migrate your old account in time before the V4 API is discontinued, we will not be able to recover your account. If you want to continue using the V4 API, please refer to the previous notification:

TikHub API V5 Update Notice


TikHub V4 -> V5 账号迁移通知

各位下午好,我们这两天已经完成了对新的V5版本的公测,并且在期间修复了很多Bug以及性能优化,感谢各位参与我们的公测,在这里我想跟大家说,由于V4版本的数据库存在设计缺陷,并且V5版本的数据库ORM模型已经无法兼容V4,我们没有办法成V4数据库中将用户信息导入V5,并且由于V4 API存在用户恶意注册的行为,数据库中存在大量虚假账号用于批量签到获取免费的API请求,出于以上考虑,我们将不对V4数据库进行迁移。



如果你在V4 API被放弃前没有及时的迁移你的旧账号,那我们将无法为你恢复账号,如果你想继续使用V4 API,请查看过去的通知:

TikHub API V5 Update Notice
