TikHub API V5.0.0 beta-7 Release Notes

We are pleased to announce that TikHub API will officially launch in the production environment on June 1, 2024. This update includes significant user-level improvements, mainly focusing on the optimization of user API Tokens and request rate limiting, as well as adjustments to the user billing mechanism. Now, charges will only be applied when the response code is 200. If the response code is not 200, no charges will be applied to the user's account.

Additionally, this update removes the previous subscription model. Users no longer need to worry about unused requests being cleared after 30 days. The new pay-as-you-go model ensures that account balances never expire. With just one recharge, the account will remain permanently valid, allowing users to enjoy various interface services on the TikHub platform at any time.

Updated Tiered Billing Model

Tiered Pricing

id min_rpd max_rpd discount (%)
1 0 1000 0.00
2 1000 5000 10.00
3 5000 10000 20.00
4 10000 20000 30.00
5 20000 30000 40.00
6 30000 2147483647 50.00


  • min_rpd: Minimum total daily requests (inclusive).
  • max_rpd: Maximum total daily requests (exclusive).
  • discount: Discount percentage for the corresponding request range.

TikHub User Endpoints

On the TikHub User API, you can use a GET request with your API Key to retrieve account-related information.

  • Retrieve current account information
GET /api/v1/tikhub/user/get_user_info
  • Retrieve current account daily usage
GET /api/v1/tikhub/user/get_user_daily_usage
  • Calculate the final price based on user-inputted daily requests and endpoint information
  • Total cost = ∑ (Number of requests in the tier * Discounted unit price in the tier)
  • Where, Discounted unit price in the tier = Base price * (1 - Discount)
GET /api/v1/tikhub/user/calculate_price
  • Retrieve tiered discount information
GET /api/v1/tikhub/user/get_tiered_discount_info
  • Retrieve information of a specific endpoint
GET /api/v1/tikhub/user/get_endpoint_info
  • Retrieve information of all endpoints
GET /api/v1/tikhub/user/get_all_endpoints_info

Free Test API Key

  • API Key
    • Key: l7sVQFh64V8ltC8fzEaNtWE60zVSopDLlpVX62fArT1FznsPds9+2RGoXw==
    • End Date: 2024-05-31

TikHub API V5.0.0 beta-7 更新说明

我们高兴地宣布,TikHub API 将于 2024 年 6 月 1 日正式上线生产环境。本次更新包含大量用户层面的改进,主要包括用户 API Token 和请求速率限制的优化,以及用户扣费机制的调整。现在,仅在响应代码为 200 时才会扣费,如果响应代码不是 200,则不会对用户账户进行扣费。

此外,本次更新取消了之前的订阅机制。用户不再需要担心未使用完的请求量在 30 天后被清空。新的按量扣费机制确保账户余额永不过期。只需一次充值,账户将永久有效,用户可以随时在 TikHub 平台享受各种接口服务。


id min_rpd max_rpd discount (%)
1 0 1000 0.00
2 1000 5000 10.00
3 5000 10000 20.00
4 10000 20000 30.00
5 20000 30000 40.00
6 30000 2147483647 50.00


  • min_rpd:每日请求总次数的最小值(包含)。
  • max_rpd:每日请求总次数的最大值(不包含)。
  • discount:对应请求次数范围内的折扣百分比。

TikHub 用户端点

TikHub 用户 API 中,您可以通过携带 API Key 使用 GET 请求获取账号相关信息。

  • 查询当前账户信息
GET /api/v1/tikhub/user/get_user_info
  • 查询当前账户每日使用情况
GET /api/v1/tikhub/user/get_user_daily_usage
  • 根据用户输入的每日请求次数以及端点信息计算最终价格
  • 总成本 = ∑ (阶梯内请求次数 * 阶梯折后单价)
  • 其中,阶梯折后单价 = 基础价格 * (1 - 折扣)
GET /api/v1/tikhub/user/calculate_price
  • 获取阶梯式折扣百分比信息
GET /api/v1/tikhub/user/get_tiered_discount_info
  • 获取单个端点的信息
GET /api/v1/tikhub/user/get_endpoint_info
  • 获取所有端点信息
GET /api/v1/tikhub/user/get_all_endpoints_info


  • API Key
    • Key: l7sVQFh64V8ltC8fzEaNtWE60zVSopDLlpVX62fArT1FznsPds9+2RGoXw==
    • End Date: 2024-05-31